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FINCOLD has published two books.
* Suurpadot - Suomen osasto ry, 1960-2010, Historiaa ja toimintaa

   [FINCOLD, 1960-2010, History and activities]

* Voimaa Koskesta, Suomen vesivoiman rakentamisen vaihteita

   [Power from water, Construction stages of Finland's hydropower]


Books can be ordered from the association's secretary Eija Isomäki (firstname.lastname (a)


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ICOLD publications can be found in web


Dam safety authority has published the Dam safety Guide. The purpose of the guide is to complement and elucidate the law and the decree through examples and descriptions. It is designed to support the tasks of dam owners and others who work at dams.

Year 2019 Eija Isomäki wrote a paper Current dam safety situation in Finland for ICOLD symposium.


Dam safety Technology Project was a cooperation project between Finland and China. Project from Finnish side describes two dams and some technology solutions used in Finland: Prochure of the project, Project report 06/2019, Video of the project.

Eija Isomäki and Kirsi Hänninen prepared proceeding Monitoring of Submerged Structures. It was published in ICOLD Symposium 2016. Paper describes basics of the sonar technology and how well sonar scans work when investigating the underwater structures of dams.

Leppänen & al. 2014. Finnish mine waste disposal areas. Proceedings of Geosynthetics Mining Solutions. Canada.

Laasonen. 2014. European Working Group "Management of dam incidents" Case study: Finland. ICOLD Symposium proceedings. Bali.

Laasonen. 2013 Workshop: Accidents and Incidents – What Can We Learn? Stockholm on November 11-12, 2013. European Working Group ”Management of Dam Incidents”. Stockholm.

Laasonen. 2013. Risk of the trees and the stumps to the embankment dam safety. Experimental study. IECS.

Laasonen. 2012. Dam owner's perspective to the dam safety legislation in Finland. 3rd National Symposium and  
Exposition on Dam Safety proceedings. Turkey

Laasonen. 2010. Internal Erosion and Duration of Grouting Works. Case History of a Small Embankment Dam. ICOLD European Club Symposium proceedings.

Wieland & al. 2009. Internal emergency action plan in dam safety management of Riga HPP in Latvia. ICOLD Congress proceedings. Brasilia.

Brenner & al. 2007. The role of monitoring in the rehabilitation of Plavinas HPP, Latvia. ICOLD symposium proceedings. Saint Petersburg.

Laasonen. 2006. Discussion on the major flood without dam failures and its consequences influence to the risk acceptance criteria. ICOLD Congress. Barcelona.

Laasonen & al. 2003 Economical evaluation of the spillway modifications in order to meet the requirements of the design flood. ICOLD Symposium proceedings. Montreal.

Rescdam, 1999-2001

Development of Rescue Actions Based on Dam-Break Flood Analysis (Rescdam) was a project coordinated by Finnish Environment Center. Description of the project can be found at Finnish Environment Institute webpace:

Erkki Loukola, 1996: Simulation of a test embankment on a clay foundation according to criterical state models

Report can be found in Digital Repository of the University of Helsinki:


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